Avoiding Future Tax Increases

Most taxpayers have an instinct to delay paying taxes to the last possible minute. We want to hold on to our money and let it “work” for us. However, there…

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Explaining Medicare

Once we reach age 65, most of us are eligible for subsidized health insurance through a government program called Medicare. Part A, which covers hospital care, is free. Part B,…

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Investing Ain’t Easy

Every year educated “professional” money managers attempt to beat the benchmark of the S&P 500 index. Active stock managers, as a whole, have failed to beat the S&P 500 each…

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Minimizing Volatility

Thus far for the month of May, the performance of the stock market has been a disappointment and has made the old adage “sell in May and go away” look…

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Business Development Corporations

One of the largest sec¬tors of the U.S. economy is comprised of smaller private companies that typically generate between $50 million and $2.5 billion in revenues. These middle market companies…

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Cash Value Life Insurance

Blackstone Group LP has been counseling its clients to use specially designed cash value life insurance to avoid paying taxes on investment gains. Life insurance has always had tremendous tax…

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Equity-Linked CDs and Notes

For conservative investors who have a limited appetite for risk, yet still yearn for good growth opportunities, there may be an attractive option. Several major U.S. banks, including JP Morgan…

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Tax Mitigation Strategies

If you are fortunate enough to own property or investments that have appreciated significantly, the federal, and perhaps your state, government is patiently waiting to tax your profits when you…

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